reliable home power
Reliable home power does not start with supply (or installing a legacy fossil fuel pollution belching generator). Some may find this is counter intuitive and contradicts everything utilities, regulators and contractors (heck - even your friends!) will tell you.
Reliable power always, always starts with your usage - the demand side.
If you have a lot of high wattage devices (electric clothes dryer, electric ovens and heaters, large fridge, etc) your supply needs will be very high (and expensive), even if you use each of these devices only for a short period of time. Power hook-ups are always designed by connected load (KW) needs, not usage. It's premise is based on all your devices being turned on at the same time.
When friends ask me how they can incorporate solar PV panels into their homes, i tell them to observe how they use electricity. what are their daily usage patterns?
the easiest way to start with solar PV is to install a separate electrical line just for
auxiliary LED lighting - outdoor first, and then indoor.
The next step would be to install a home battery storage system with dual capabilities - aka V2H

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