why I deleted FB account
I finally did it.
(fair notice: this is a Fred rant)
After years of bitchin' about god MZ's* over the top decisions and continued ignorance of common decency and human morality - I DELETED MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT.
[ It's not hard - just click on the down arrow in the upper right, click on Settings, find 'deactivation' somewhere (that's the hard part) and keep insisting on permanent deletion as god MZ tries to sway you away. God MZ will still keep all the info he's collected over the years and above all your facial recognition and posts...] Supposedly you'll have to stay away from FB for 30 days and then supposedly all your data will be deleted. That's a bunch of big BULLSHIT - if you believe that, i have some land on the moon I'll sell you cheap :-)
on the downside, I won't have access to some wonderful, loving people and businesses that live on FB. But enough is enough. Those wonderful people need to get woke. really woke. They are contributing to the demise of any remnants of civility on the internet. If enough people delete their accounts (i know several who are as fed up with MZ and FB as i am), maybe we'll start chipping away at the large virtual walls the gods have built within us.
The story behind the story... or should i borrow a sound bite from the SF Chronicle: the lies behind the truth, and the truth behind those lies that are behind that truth.
It started with facial recognition about ten years ago. If it wasn't for some news article months later; I would've never known: everyone on FB was opted into facial recognition (and had to go through hard-to-decipher multiple tiers of settings just to opt out). That was the first big strike against god MZ. Why wouldn't everyone want their face to be picked out in a photo without their knowledge? It's all good, for everyone - or so thought god MZ.
A few years later, god MZ decided to initiate a suicide prevention executive committee. Somebody from San Mateo County gamed him - and good. He posted some sad, depressive things about his life not being worth anything, and the police came and arrested him and put him in jail. It took 72 hours before the FB exec suicide committee bailed him out! Who better (instead of your friends and family) to help you along in life's ups & down than an executive committee under the directive of god MZ. He knows what's good for you! The exec suicide committee was canceled.
This week (June 4, 2020) god MZ stated something about FB having no responsibility for truth or exercising any kind
of moral judgement on someone inciting violence, hate mongering, etc... after it was proven that foreign bots had kicked the recent 'black lives matter' protests up a couple notches with falsehoods by Agent Orange's trolls. Yes, truth and moral judgement is a slippery slope, but this hiding behind 'we're just a portal' has gone on way too long.
...and then the bots outdid the other bots who outdid the other bots... i got tired trying to keep score of which bot was on first and whose bot was on second...
My hero now is Jack Dorsey - CEO of Twitter (NYTimes Maureen Dowd op ed)
who finally had the balls and gumption to provide fact checking to over-the-top falsehoods and inciting despicable actions... Snapchat has also followed with reduced marketing and broadcasting of Agent Orange's rants.
Let's boycott FB and others who are enabling the temper tantrums of Agent Orange and take our country back!!
* MZ = Mark Zuckerberg
update 1 hour later: I find it interesting that my FB account was set up under a hotmail account, and god MZ just sent me a delete notification on my gmail accounts (without me ever entering those on my FB account) Yes there's a reason i call them 'gods'... they are all-knowing, all-seeing. They're everywhere! you can't hide, you can't out run them.... yikes!
Please put the details of ousting yourself from facebook and MZ...it would help...