...a fred rant, enjoy!... A BIG underlying root cause for our overly violent society - esp in the USA - is language. Our everyday sayings and casual conversations are unconsciously laced with all kinds of war-like terms and violent sound bites. Have you ever said any of the following? When push comes to shove Give it a shot Adding insult to injury Take a shot at it Hitting on an idea Something to shoot for Deadbeat Right on target Take a stab at it Need more ammunition Shot in the dark Bullet points Push over Take your best shot To be brutally honest Shot in the dark Soften the blow Shoot off your mouth Beats me Gun shy That really bombed Gunning for trouble Pushed over the edge Under the gun Blown away Whole shootin’ match Killer smile Shoot the breeze Kick the bucket Son of a gun Set the world on fire Shooting holes in the argument Pick your battles Armed with the facts That real...