ok boomer...
in response to this growing social media trend of millenials dismissing gray hairs with the diminutive phrase 'OK Boomer' I'd like to propose a counter 'OK Millenial'.

Did we (boomers) know that the policies of the 80's and 90's would result in inequity, unaffordability and crippling student loan debt - heck no! The government watchdogs were asleep at the wheel. But these three big problems are nothing compared to what's coming (this was written before the COVID19 pandemic).
If the watchdogs were asleep at the wheel during the last 30 years, they have all but disappeared over the last 10 years. Except for Europe. European watchdogs have a different, more uplifting social agenda than USA capitalists. European watchdogs have done way better on enforcing things like corporate transparency rules, utility microgrids, 'right-to-be'forgotten', data privacy, and now the right to repair issues. Meanwhile USA watchdogs are allowing net neutrality, monopolistic utilities, fake news, privacy invasions, etc. to run rampant. The four biggies (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft) wield more power than most countries is the world - yet they have no citizen scrutiny, no social responsibility oversight,
To all the millenials out there: Do you have any idea of what you are creating? what you have unleashed onto the world stage?
If you think the 2016 elections were manipulated by dirty actors, just wait until 2020 and beyond. The 'interference' will be so obfuscated that only well intentioned AI robots will be able to uncover it - but not until way after the damage is done.
It's a common metaphor in climate change circles to talk about all of us relaxing in an ever heating pot of hot water - we won't even notice that we're boiling to death until it's too late. Well, this is also apt for what millenials are creating everytime they launch some new fangled disruptive new-new-new thing (aka apps) that's bound to save the planet. Witness We-Work's latest meltdown, Theranos soap opera and AirBnB's latest problems. they are just the tip of the iceberg.
Millenials are creating a world that their children (the few that they have - thank you!) will resent even more than millenials are currently resenting 'us' Boomers having created.
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