spaceship WinSol - bucky
I n Bucky Fuller's book 'Operating Manual Spaceship Earth' he talks about... ' Predict(ing) that soon the great office buildings will be turned into residences and that all the work that had been done in them will be done in the basements of a few buildings. States that we "must operate exclusively on our vast daily energy income from the powers of wind, tide, water, and the direct Sun radiation energy". ' This was published in 1969 - way before climate change and ecology became a thing. The timing was in tune with the rising environmental wokeness along with Stewart Brand's 'Whole Earth' and Donna Meadows' 'Limits to Growth'. And now as the COVID pandemic end is in sight and remote working is more commonplace, perhaps all those office buildings will be converted to homeless shelters? can dream! Bucky Fuller was one of my mentors. But Bucky is a difficult read. He was quite introspective and ha...