earth overshoot day 2020
For years I've advocated 'one earth' equivalence and fair share based on our collective carbon footprint being spread evenly around the world. From 10+earths first world usage to less than 1/4 earths for the poorest. We only have one earth and everyone needs to understand this is the only sustainable long-term road. Stopping short of egalitarianism, more equal distribution is essential. After 20 years in that space (carbon footprints) i've moved on. Earth overshoot day and drawdown are now my go-to sustainable phenoms. They are both great markers and solutions. 'Earth overshoot day marks the date when humanity's demand for ecological sources and services exceeds what the earth can regenerate in that year. ' In other words, we're writing checks we can't cash. Our lifestyles are taking more than the earth can give. Either the bank goes bankrupt or it has to invest in better c...