
Showing posts from April, 2019

April update

Winter has finally moved on... and temperatures are consistently in the 60's for the first time since December - a real winter, after 5+ years of being spoiled. The fruit trees have blossomed and leafed out - the first time in 2 years without a snowstorm killing the blossoms, so there should be hundreds of peaches and cherries ++.  The rhubarb sprouted up first.  For some reason rhubarb seems to do really well here - we've split one plant over 10 times and have so much rhubarb we give it away! And now the hard work in Spring begins in earnest.  Getting the learning center going again for interns and helpers are a two year hiatus is the major project right now. There's about 12 more olla pots for a couple raised beds put back into production.  the strawberries from Peaceful Valley are doing wonderfully.  They are SO much better quality than other nurseries.   As any property owner knows, murphy always shows up in certain repeat trends.  T...