
Showing posts from March, 2019

winter of my discontent

Enough already!  Having returned from a 2 week hiatus - mostly down south, it's nice to be back at this forest sanctuary.  BUT - there's another winter storm coming tomorrow.  The drive through snow country (hwy 88 - minden to WinSol) was awe inspiring if it wasn't for the endless cars parked on both shoulders with snowmobiles, skis, sleds, and gawking people.   Records broken Mammoth ski area had more closed days this season, than ever before - and they are staying open (weekends only) until July 4th.   Tioga Pass at Yosemite won't be plowed thru until late June or later.  Yosemite valley buildings have suffered a LOT of damage for snow loads.   So it's now inching toward 8 weeks of non-stop winter.   The outside temp today was 55F (March 25) and the last time it reached that temp was in the 2nd week of January.  I've never seen a continuous winter without a break like this.  That's why I headed south to Death V...