why one earth?
It's important for all 7 billion of us to live within one earth equivalence. We only have one planet. Except for the Blue sky space billionaires, we're stuck here. One earth is all we have. More than one earth is unsustainable. We currently use about 1.7 earths overall . The USA uses about 4-6 earths, Europe about half that. This is unsustainable Last time I checked we only have one of these 'earths'... somethings gotta give. How can we adapt our current lifestyles to living within our means - one earth equivalence? My applied ethos 1 is walking my talk. If I’m going to tell others that it’s best to live within one earth, the least I can do is live within one earth myself. It’s easy once my heart aligns with Gaia and once I understood the frailty of our current systems and structures and how utterly unsustainable they are. One concept illustrating this is ‘earth overshoot day’: it’’s currently August 21 for th...